Maintaining customer relationships: this is how you do it

| Berthe Maes

Today, a good product or an impeccable service is not enough to make a difference. A lasting relationship with your customer is essential. Communication in itself is only half the answer; the way in which you communicate determines the relationship with your customer.

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Understand your customer

That assignment sounds simpler than it is. Find out why your customer is buying from you. Do you know what the customer expects from you, what sets you apart from the competition and what makes your company unique? You do not bother the customer with such questions, on the contrary: he feels important because he is allowed to give feedback about your company.

Know your business

As soon as you know what your customer expects, you can investigate how you can best respond to this: show your expertise, emphasize the USPs of your company, increase your image and strengthen your communication style. Your product or service does not change, but the image surrounding it increases its appeal.

Use every customer contact

Ensure regular customer contact and make from every moment an invitation for a new order, assignment or feedback. From service suggestions, product reviews or questions you learn how to improve your service.

Communication style in your customer relationships

You can maintain your customer relationships in various ways. Show your expertise, but always stay humble. Also adapt your style and information to your target group, otherwise your customers will quickly lose interest or become annoyed. Be consistent and respectful: your reader is a person of flesh and blood.

Take every opportunity to build trust; even in GDPR mailings, you can ‘brand’ by providing clear, attractive information that strengthens your customer relationships.

Invoicing: pay attention to it

Use every customer contact? Invoicing is also such a moment. Make every contact a positive moment, for example by thanking your customer for the order, reminding him of other products and ensuring clarity. Annoyance worsens your carefully constructed image. So, provide clear payment instructions and watertight terms and conditions. Even a correct forced collection afterwards does not have to damage your customer relationship.

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